Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Meet the Teacher

Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Virginia (Ginny) Burdett and I am a (soon-to-be) 3rd year, intermediate teacher in the Chicago suburbs. Originally, I had planned to use my first post as a way to share my “Meet the Teacher” story in hopes of you getting to know me a little bit better. Little did I know, I would run into major writer’s block three sentences in (if this is a sign of what’s to come, I am in big trouble!).

Rather, I decided to settle for a collage of images that tell that same story.

Illinois State University. Professional Development School. Teacher friends turned best friends. Mentors. Marigolds. Standards Based Learning/Reporting. PLNs. A 1:1 technology initiative. Flexible learning spaces. Lifelong learning. These kids.  If you are pictured, thank you for playing your role, be it big or small. I couldn’t be ME, without you.

I have started this blog to share ramblings, rants, realizations, and reflections with anyone who cares to listen. I welcome you to join me in conversation as I continue to draft my story.